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Summer at Dawn's Place

When I was a young girl, summer meant enjoying time off from the hard work of school and it offered space to regroup and reset while having barbecues with family and friends, and annual trips to the beach. As an adult, I still love those activities and even though I no longer can have the summer months off, I am now enjoying creating new memories with our residents at Dawn’s Place who also need a break from the challenging task of working through their traumatic experiences.

In that mindset, while we will continue to offer our therapeutic programming, this summer we also have plans to take a lake trip, experience baby animal cuddling and equine therapy, and maybe even go to an amusement park or arboretum. We have already visited the Magic Gardens in Philadelphia and are anxiously watching our vegetable garden that we planted for signs of growth.

There are so many good things happening at Dawn’s Place!

Over the last six weeks, we have welcomed four new residents and are preparing a room for another woman who is scheduled to arrive soon. We will also be saying goodbye to one of our residents who is ready to graduate and move into her own apartment.

There are so many good things happening at Dawn’s Place!

Recently, one of our long-time volunteers texted me on a Saturday afternoon after she had finished baking with our residents. She gave me an update on who was around and told me how many of the women joined in the baking fun. There was a lot of laughter and frivolity, and she just wanted me to share in their delight.

There are so many good things happening at Dawn’s Place!

Thanks to all of you, we continue to provide a space where women who have been traumatized by commercial sexual exploitation and/or sex trafficking can feel safe, loved, and free to laugh and enjoy themselves. We could not do what we do without YOU.

You, our generous donors, make so many good things happen at Dawn’s Place!


Dawn's Place

Dawn's Place works to improve the lives of women who have been trafficked, prostituted or pimped. Commercial Sexual Exploitation (CSE) or Sex Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery. Help stop Human Trafficking. 


Phone: 215-849-2396 

Dawn's Place is  501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization EIN 26-0196507.

© 2021-23 Dawn's Place — A Home for Dawn |  Terms of Use  Privacy Policy

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